
※ Electrical characteristics are different from GRADIENT OUTDOOR. OLS-30K-15D-3Design : SAAD architectsLighting Design : Lighting M Inc. Photographer : Kenji MasunagaOLS-30K-08DDesign : MITSUBISHI ESTATE HOME CO.,Ltd.Lighting Design : SIRIUS LIGHTING OFFICE Inc.Photographer : Fumito SuzukiOLS-27K-SP-3 (custom)Photograph : Nacasa & Partners Inc.Enhanced louvers for each construction condition and applicationResponse to the heavy salt resistance requirementAs a linear spot, it can be used in combination with GRADIENT OUTDOOR to great effectIt shares the same optical characteristics & platform as GRADIENT OUTDOOR. Use GRADIENT OUTDOOR for surface effects. O'LINKS are ideal for accent lighting on exterior fins and louvers.Custom-made louvers eliminate glare from front and side-viewing perspectives. These louvers are among the highly versatile improvements we have made to our O'LINKS system.We’ve improved the durability of metal surfaces by adding a treatment equivalent to the heavy salt resistance category, making our products compliant with the required standards.Designated as heavy salt-resistant gradesPlease contact us if you would like to use them together.1PRODUCT GUIDEPRODUCT GUIDE2PointPointPoint#01#02#03#01Fenix Furano#02The VERLUX TAKANAWA#03GMO Internet Group Office 010203

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